How To Become A Member
New Members
Take advantage of our Half Year Membership
We are pleased to be able to offer new members a special Half Year membership which will run from 30th June - December 31st 2024. You may take advantage of this offer at any time during the next 6 months.
Please print the forms out at home, complete your details and return to the club. This will enable our office staff to be able to process your membership. If you prefer to bring the forms into the club by hand, please do so during open hours. Alternatively, please collect a joining form at the club where a member of staff will be happy to help. Thank you for your interest in joining us, please call the Club Secretary or Steward on 01803 411180 if you need further assistance.
Existing Members
Renewals run from 1st January - 31st December Please remember to renew before 14th January 2024, you can do this at the bar by card or by cheque. Any late renewals will incur an administration charge of £5
To enable you to be able to renew your club membership for the year 2024 we have also made the necessary forms needed available for you online for your convenience:
1. The Annual Club Membership Renewal Form
2. The Annual Car Park Membership Form
Please print these out at home, complete your details and return to the club by post enclosing a cheque completed with the correct amount. This will enable our office staff to be able to process your membership for the coming year.
If you prefer to bring the forms into the club by hand, please do so during open hours.
If you are paying via bank transfer (details below) we still require you to print, complete and return the forms to us at the club as your signature is required to be compliant with current GDPR regulations.
If you require car park membership please take care to complete your vehicle details clearly using capital letters for the registration number.
We would like to thank our members for continuing to support the club by renewing your membership.
Please contact if you have any further queries regarding your renewal payment.
If you would like to pay online via bank transfer our details are as follows:
Acc Name: SMBCC
Acc No. 20876068
Sort Code: 30-97-35
Please add your FULL NAME & Loyalty Club Membership Number as a reference so that we can pair up your payment with your membership form when received. Thank You.
Replacement items
Should you lose your door entry key fob or your club membership card, please notify the Club Secretary as soon as you are aware. A replacement of these items can be obtained at a cost of £4.50 for a Key Fob and £2.00 for a Membership Card.
Existing Members - Renewal Form
New Members - Full Year Membership
Thank you for your interest in joining us, please call the Club Secretary or Steward on 01803 411180 to find out more.
Each application for membership must be supported by two existing members and you must agree to the principles of The Conservative Party. If you are new to the area or do not know any of our members please contact the steward or the secretary on the above numbers or via our CONTACT page
Current memberships run from 1st January - 31st December
The membership form shown below is available at the club or you can download here and print at home. They must be returned to the Club Secretary once completed.
You will notice on the form below that your membership for Year One is £40.50 as this includes initial joining components such as your key fob for door entry, club membership card etc. In Year two this cost is reduced to the standard renewal fee, currently £30.00.
If you require a Car Park Permit please pick up an additional form for this at the club, or download the form shown above.
Temporary Membership
If a member has a visitor staying with them or in the local area who would like to come along to our club, or maybe friends who would like to try out our club, you can purchase a temporary membership which allows them access to the club for seven consecutive days.
The cost of temporary membership is £5 per person, payable by cash or card at the bar. You will need to complete the details on the Temporary Membership Application Form shown here which you can download, print and return to the bar, or alternatively pick an application form up at the club.
A temporary member must always be accompanied by a full member when visiting the club. The full member will be responsible for ensuring that the temporary club member adheres to the rules of the club at all times.
This temporary membership entitles the holder to enter weekly raffle draws but does not permit them to play on any gaming machines on the premises or to any other member privileges.
If you have ay questions about temporary membership, please ask for more details at the club or email